A Eng&Steel é a entidade responsável pelo tratamento dos dados pessoais e assume permanentemente o compromisso público de atuar em conformidade com a legislação nacional e comunitária em vigor e aplicável.Os dados pessoais dos nossos clientes são tratados, exclusivamente, por se mostrarem necessários à elaboração de orçamentos, celebração e execução de contratos, gestão de entregas e acompanhamento de encomendas, serviço de assistência pós-venda, ao cumprimento de obrigações legais ou porque foram objeto de consentimento.Os dados pessoais fornecidos pelos clientes ou gerados pela utilização de serviços ou aquisição de bens, serão processados e armazenados informaticamente e destinam-se a serem utilizados pela Eng&Steel para: marketing e vendas, gestão de clientes, gestão contabilística, fiscal e administrativa, gestão de contencioso e, em geral, cumprimento de obrigações gerais.
O tratamento de dados para fins de marketing será efetuado de acordo com a opção de consentimento manifestada pelo cliente. Tal consentimento terá que ser prévio, livre, informado, específico e inequívoco, e constar de uma declaração escrita, que poderá revestir a forma de validação de uma opção. A todo o momento, poderá ser declarada por escrito a oposição ao tratamento de dados para fins de marketing.
Os dados pessoais são conservados por períodos de tempo distintos, consoante a finalidade a que se destinam, de acordo com os respetivos critérios legais, em obediência aos princípios da necessidade e da minimização do tempo de conservação.
A Eng&Steel poderá recorrer a entidades subcontratadas para efeitos de tratamentos de dados pessoais, nomeadamente, para campanhas promocionais, marketing, gestão da conta cliente, faturação, transporte de mercadorias, entregas e assistência pós-venda, contabilidade, gestão de contenciosos, processamento de salários, serviços de higiene e segurança no trabalho, entre outros, ficando tais entidades obrigadas a desenvolver as medidas de proteção de dos dados e a assegurar a defesa dos direitos dos titulares.
A Eng&Steel garante a todos os titulares de dados o acesso, retificação, oposição, apagamento, limitação e portabilidade dos dados fornecidos.
O exercício de tais direitos deverá ser feito através do email MiguelRocha@EngSteel.pt
A todos os titulares de dados é reconhecido o direito de apresentarem reclamação diretamente à COMISSÃO NACIONAL DE PROTEÇÃO DE DADOS.
Os Anúncios
Tal como outros websites, coletamos e utilizamos informação contida nos anúncios. A informação contida nos anúncios, inclui o seu endereço IP (Internet Protocol), o seu ISP (Internet Service Provider, como a NOS, MEO, ou outro), o browser que utilizou ao visitar o nosso website (como o Internet Explorer ou o Firefox), o tempo da sua visita e que páginas visitou dentro do nosso website.
Os Cookies e Web Beacons
Utilizamos cookies para armazenar informação, tais como as suas preferências pessoais quando visita o nosso website. Isto poderá incluir um simples popup, ou uma ligação em vários serviços que providenciamos, tais como fóruns.
Em adição também utilizamos publicidade de terceiros no nosso website para suportar os custos de manutenção. Alguns destes publicitários, poderão utilizar tecnologias como os cookies e/ou web beacons quando publicitam no nosso website, o que fará com que esses publicitários (como o Google através do Google AdSense) também recebam a sua informação pessoal, como o endereço IP, o seu ISP, o seu browser, etc. Esta função é geralmente utilizada para geotargeting (mostrar publicidade de Lisboa apenas aos leitores oriundos de Lisboa por ex.) ou apresentar publicidade direcionada a um tipo de utilizador (como mostrar publicidade de restaurante a um utilizador que visita sites de culinária regularmente, por ex.).
A Eng&Steel está empenhada em tornar, quer a sua experiência online quer a sua interação com o nosso website num momento informativo e relevante, e em fornecer a melhor experiência possível durante a sua visita online. Uma das formas é através da utilização de cookies (próprios e de terceiros) para guardar informações sobre a sua visita ao nosso website, no seu computador. Estas informações são necessárias para o website poder funcionar corretamente.
O que são cookies?
Um cookie é um ficheiro que é descarregado pelo seu computador, telemóvel ou outro equipamento (designado posteriormente como equipamento) quando acede ao nosso website ou utiliza a nossa aplicação. O cookie permite-nos armazenar e recuperar informação sobre os seus hábitos de navegação ou do seu equipamento onde acede, em geral de forma anónima e dependendo da informação que contenha, se está registado previamente, para identificá-lo como cliente ou utilizador.
A informação obtida está relacionada com o número de páginas que visita, o idioma, o local do qual acede, o número de utilizadores novos, a frequência e número de visitas, o tempo de duração da visita, o navegador ou equipamento com o qual realiza a visita no site ou na nossa aplicação.
Que tipo de cookies são utilizados no nosso website?
Cookies próprios
São aqueles que são enviados para o computador a partir de um domínio ou computador operado por nós.
Cookies de terceiros
São aqueles que são enviados para o seu computador a partir de um computador ou domínio que não é operado por nós, mas por uma outra entidade que trata os dados obtidos por meio de cookies.
Cookies de sessão
São um tipo de cookie que expiram com o fecho da sessão no nosso website.
Cookies persistentes
São um tipo de cookie que são armazenados no computador por um período de tempo que pode variar de alguns minutos a vários anos.
Cookies de análise
São aqueles que ou tratados por nós ou por terceiros e que nos permitem quantificar o número de visitas e a utilização que os utilizadores fazem no nosso website com o objetivo de medição e a análise estatística da sua utilização e para resolver as lacunas detetadas e facilitar a utilização do nosso website.
Cookies de publicidade
Quando visita as páginas do nosso website, e-mails ou executa um aplicativo onde publicamos anúncios dos nossos produtos ou serviços, para realizar um controlo e acompanhamento da eficácia da publicidade estão instalados no seu browser ou computador cookies que são utilizados para medir, por exemplo, o número de vezes que se viu os anúncios e onde aparecem, o momento em que são vistos, de onde ou se você ainda não o viu antes.
Cookies de publicidade comportamental
São um tipo cookies que são utilizados para armazenar e recuperar informações sobre o comportamento dos utilizadores obtidos através da observação dos seus hábitos de navegação, que permitem que se desenvolva um perfil específico para mostrar ao utilizador publicidade em função do mesmo.
Renovação e eliminação de cookies
A maior parte dos browsers permite controlar a maioria dos cookies através das suas configurações.
Se desejar pode permitir, bloquear ou eliminar os cookies instalados no seu computador configurando as opções do browser instalado em seu computador ou a partir das configurações de privacidade do computador.
Por exemplo, pode encontrar informações sobre como fazer isso no caso de usar como navegador:
- Firefox a partir de ativar e desativar os cookies que os sites usam para rastrear as suas preferências | Ajuda Firefox
- Chrome a partir de como gerir cookies e sites
- Explorer a partir de administrar cookies em Internet Explorer
- Safari a partir de Safari 8 (Yosemite): Gerir cookies e dados de sites
- Opera a partir de Administrador cookies
Mais detalhes sobre cookies
Informações gerais sobre como bloquear e remover cookies: http://www.aboutcookies.org/
Pode recusar a utilização de cookies selecionando as definições apropriadas no seu navegador, no entanto, tenha em atenção que ao não aceitar as cookies, poderá não ser capaz de aproveitar ao máximo todas as vantagens nos respetivos websites.
Categoria 1: cookies estritamente necessárias
Estes cookies são essenciais para poder navegar no website e utilizar as suas funcionalidades, tais como aceder a áreas seguras do website. Sem estes cookies, os serviços solicitados, como carrinhos de compras ou faturas eletrónicas, não poderão ser prestados.
Categoria 2: cookies de desempenho
Estes cookies recolhem informações sobre como os visitantes utilizam um website, por exemplo, que páginas são acedidas com maior frequência por visitantes e se são recebidas mensagens de erro de páginas Web. Estes cookies não recolhem informações que identifiquem um visitante. Todas as informações recolhidas por estes cookies são guardadas de forma coletiva e, consequentemente, são anónimas. Estes são utilizados apenas para melhorar o funcionamento de um website.
Categoria 3: cookies de funcionalidade
Estes cookies permitem que o website se lembre das escolhas que efetuou (como o seu nome de utilizador, o idioma ou a região onde se encontra) e que ofereça funcionalidades melhoradas e mais pessoais. Por exemplo, um website pode ser capaz de lhe fornecer previsões meteorológicas locais ou informações de trânsito guardando num cookie a informação da região onde se encontra atualmente. Estes cookies também podem ser utilizados para lembrar as alterações que efetuou ao tamanho do texto, aos tipos de letra e a outras partes de páginas Web que podem ser personalizadas. Podem ainda ser utilizadas para prestar serviços que solicitou, como ver um vídeo ou comentar num blogue. As informações recolhidas por estes cookies podem ser processadas anonimamente e não é permitida a visualização da sua atividade de navegação noutros websites.
Categoria 4: cookies de direcionamento ou cookies de publicidade
Estes cookies são utilizados para apresentar publicidade mais relevante para si e adequada aos seus interesses. Estes também são utilizados para limitar o número de vezes que vê um anúncio e para ajudar a medir a eficiência da campanha publicitária. Normalmente, estes são colocados por redes publicitárias com a permissão do operador do website. Estes registam que visitou um determinado website e esta informação é partilhada com outras organizações, tais como publicitários. Os cookies de direcionamento ou publicidade serão ligados frequentemente à funcionalidade do site fornecida pela outra organização. Estes cookies não recolhem informações que identifiquem um visitante.
Cookies de terceiros
São semelhantes aos cookies “diretos”, no entanto, estes são originados num domínio diferente (não relacionado/ligado à Eng&Steel) do que está a visitar. Estas entidades (não relacionadas/ligadas à Eng&Steel) também podem colocar cookies no seu dispositivo, quando visita o website da Eng&Steel.
Google Analytics
O Google Analytics utiliza os “cookies” para recolher e analisar informações relativas à utilização dos sites visitados pelo utilizador. Para saber mais sobre os cookies do Google Analytics e a sua utilização pela Google Inc., pode consultar a informação sobre a utilização de cookies pela Google disponível no endereço:
https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=pt e https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
Relativamente aos cookies da Addthis, é possível fazer opt-out através do seguinte link:
http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out .
A maior parte dos programas de navegação (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) poderá mostrar-lhe a forma de impedir novos cookies, como pode ser avisado quando recebe um novo cookie e como pode desativar e/ou apagar os cookies existentes.
No entanto, tenha em atenção que ao não aceitar os cookies pode não ser capaz de aproveitar ao máximo todas as funcionalidades deste website.
Ligações a Sites de Terceiros
A Eng&Steel possui ligações para outros sites, os quais, a nosso ver, podem conter informações / ferramentas úteis para os nossos visitantes. A nossa política de privacidade não é aplicada a sites de terceiros, pelo que, caso visite outro site a partir do nosso deverá ler a politica de privacidade do mesmo.
Não nos responsabilizamos pela política de privacidade ou conteúdo presente nesses mesmos sites.
Eng&Steel is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data and assumes permanently the public commitment to act in accordance with current and applicable national and Community legislation.The personal data of our clients are exclusively treated as they are necessary for the preparation of budgets, execution and execution of contracts, delivery management and follow-up of orders, after-sales service, compliance with legal obligations or because they were object of consent.
Personal data provided by customers or generated by the use of services or acquisition of goods, will be processed, stored and intended to be used by Eng&Steel for: marketing and sales, customer management, accounting, tax and administrative management, litigation and, in general, compliance with general obligations.
The processing of data for marketing purposes will be done according to the option of consent manifested by the client. Such consent shall be prior, free, informed, specific and unambiguous, and shall consist of a written statement, which may take the form of validation of an option. At any time, the opposition to the processing of data for marketing purposes may be declared in writing.
Personal data are kept for different periods of time, according to their intended purpose, in accordance with their legal criteria, in accordance with the principles of necessity and minimization of shelf life.
Eng&Steel may use subcontracted entities for the processing of personal data, namely for promotional campaigns, marketing, customer account management, billing, goods transport, delivery and after-sales service, accounting, dispute management, wage processing , occupational hygiene and safety services, among others, such entities being obliged to develop data protection measures and to ensure the protection of the rights of the holders.
Eng&Steel guarantees to all data holders the access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability of the data provided.
For other information, please contact MiguelRocha@EngSteel.pt
All right holders are entitled to submit a complaint directly to the NATIONAL DATA PROTECTION COMMISSION.
The Ads
Like other websites, we collect and use information contained in the ads. The information contained in the advertisements includes your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your ISP (Internet Service Provider, such as NOS, MEO, or other), the browser you used when visiting our website (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time of your visit and what pages you visited within our website.
Cookies and Web Beacons
We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when visiting our website. This may include a simple popup, or a link to the various services we provide, such as forums.
In addition, we also use third party advertising on our website to support maintenance costs. Some of these advertisers may use technologies such as cookies and / or web beacons when advertising on our website, which will make these advertisers (such as Google through Google AdSense) also receive your personal information, such as IP address, your ISP, your browser, etc. This function is generally used for geotargeting (display Lisbon advertising only to readers from Lisbon for example) or display targeted advertising to a user type (such as showing restaurant advertising to a user visiting regularly cooking sites, e.g. ).
Eng&Steel is committed to making both your online experience and your interaction with our website an informative and relevant moment and to provide the best possible experience during your online visit. One way is to use cookies (own and third parties) to save information about your visit to our website, on your computer. This information is required for the website to function properly.
What are cookies?
Um cookie is a file that is downloaded by your computer, mobile phone or other equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment) when you access our website or use our application. The cookie allows us to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits or your device where you access it, generally anonymously and depending on the information it contains, if it is previously registered, to identify you as a customer or user.
The information obtained is related to the number of pages you visit, the language, the place you access, the number of new users, the frequency and number of visits, the time duration of the visit, the browser or equipment with which you visit the site or our application.
What kind of cookies are used on our website?
Own Cookies
They are those that are sent to the computer from a domain or computer operated by us.
Third-party cookies
They are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not operated by us, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies.
Session Cookies
They are a type of cookie that expires with the closing of the session on our website.
Persistent Cookies
They are a type of cookie that are stored on the computer for a period of time that can range from a few minutes to several years.
Analysis Cookies
They are those that are treated by us or by third parties and that allow us to quantify the number of visits and the use that users make on our website for the purpose of measuring and statistical analysis of their use and to solve the identified gaps and to facilitate the use of our website.
Advertising Cookies
When you visit the pages of our website, e-mails or run an application where we publish advertisements of our products or services, to control and monitor the effectiveness of advertising are installed in your browser or computer cookies that are used to measure, for example , the number of times you saw the ads and where they appear, the time they are viewed, where or if you have not seen it before.
Behavioral Advertising Cookies
They are a type of cookies that are used to store and retrieve information about the behavior of the users obtained by observing their browsing habits, which allow the development of a specific profile to show the user advertising according to it.
Renewing and deleting cookies
Most browsers allow you to control most cookies through your settings.
If you want, you can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer or from the computer’s privacy settings.
For example, you can find information on how to do this in case you use it as a browser:
- Firefox from enabling and disabling cookies that sites use to track your preferences | Help Firefox
- Chrome from how to manage cookies and websites
- Explorer from Cookies Administration in Internet Explorer
- Safari from Safari 8 (Yosemite): Manage cookies and site data
- Opera in Cookies Administrator
More details about cookies
General information on blocking and removing cookies: http://www.aboutcookies.org/
You can refuse to use cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser, however, please note that by not accepting cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of their websites.
Category 1: cookies strictly necessary
These cookies are essential to navigate the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the services requested, such as shopping carts or electronic invoices, can not be provided.
Category 2: cookies of performance
These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website, for example, which pages are accessed most frequently by visitors, and if webpage error messages are received. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor. All information collected by these cookies are stored collectively and, therefore, are anonymous. These are only used to improve the functioning of a website.
Category 3: cookies functionality
These cookies allow the website to remember the choices you’ve made (such as your username, language, or region) that offer enhanced and more personal features. For example, a website may be able to provide you with local weather forecasts or traffic information by storing in a cookie the information of the region you are currently in. These cookies can also be used to remember the changes you made to the size of text, fonts, and other parts of Web pages that can be customized. They can also be used to deliver services you’ve requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information collected by these cookies can be processed anonymously and you are not allowed to view your browsing activity on other websites.
Category 4: cookies targeting or advertising cookies
These cookies are used to present advertising that is more relevant to you and tailored to your interests. These are also used to limit the number of times you see an ad and to help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Usually, these are placed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. These record that they visited a particular website and this information is shared with other organizations, such as advertisers. Targeting or advertising cookies will often be linked to the site functionality provided by the other organization. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor.
Third-party cookies
They are similar to “direct” cookies, however, they come from a different domain (unrelated to Eng&Steel) than you are visiting. These entities (not related to Eng&Steel) may also place cookies on your device when you visit the Eng&Steel website.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and analyze information regarding the use of the sites visited by the user. To learn more about Google Analytics cookies and their use by Google Inc., you can review information about Google’s use of cookies available at:
https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=pt e https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
For Addthis cookies, you can opt-out using the following link:
http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out .
Most browser programs (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) may show you how to prevent new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how you can disable and / or delete existing cookies.
However, please note that by not accepting cookies you may not be able to take full advantage of all the features of this website.
Links to Third Party Sites
Eng&Steel has links to other sites which, in our view, may contain useful information / tools for our visitors. Our privacy policy is not applied to third party websites, so if you visit another site from our website you should read the privacy policy of the same.
We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content present on those same sites.
Eng&Steel is the entity responsible for the processing of personal data and assumes permanently the public commitment to act in accordance with current and applicable national and Community legislation.The personal data of our clients are exclusively treated as they are necessary for the preparation of budgets, execution and execution of contracts, delivery management and follow-up of orders, after-sales service, compliance with legal obligations or because they were object of consent.
Personal data provided by customers or generated by the use of services or acquisition of goods, will be processed, stored and intended to be used by Eng&Steel for: marketing and sales, customer management, accounting, tax and administrative management, litigation and, in general, compliance with general obligations.
The processing of data for marketing purposes will be done according to the option of consent manifested by the client. Such consent shall be prior, free, informed, specific and unambiguous, and shall consist of a written statement, which may take the form of validation of an option. At any time, the opposition to the processing of data for marketing purposes may be declared in writing.
Personal data are kept for different periods of time, according to their intended purpose, in accordance with their legal criteria, in accordance with the principles of necessity and minimization of shelf life.
Eng&Steel may use subcontracted entities for the processing of personal data, namely for promotional campaigns, marketing, customer account management, billing, goods transport, delivery and after-sales service, accounting, dispute management, wage processing , occupational hygiene and safety services, among others, such entities being obliged to develop data protection measures and to ensure the protection of the rights of the holders.
Eng&Steel guarantees to all data holders the access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability of the data provided.
For other information, please contact MiguelRocha@EngSteel.pt
All right holders are entitled to submit a complaint directly to the NATIONAL DATA PROTECTION COMMISSION.
The Ads
Like other websites, we collect and use information contained in the ads. The information contained in the advertisements includes your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your ISP (Internet Service Provider, such as NOS, MEO, or other), the browser you used when visiting our website (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time of your visit and what pages you visited within our website.
Cookies and Web Beacons
We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when visiting our website. This may include a simple popup, or a link to the various services we provide, such as forums.
In addition, we also use third party advertising on our website to support maintenance costs. Some of these advertisers may use technologies such as cookies and / or web beacons when advertising on our website, which will make these advertisers (such as Google through Google AdSense) also receive your personal information, such as IP address, your ISP, your browser, etc. This function is generally used for geotargeting (display Lisbon advertising only to readers from Lisbon for example) or display targeted advertising to a user type (such as showing restaurant advertising to a user visiting regularly cooking sites, e.g. ).
Eng&Steel is committed to making both your online experience and your interaction with our website an informative and relevant moment and to provide the best possible experience during your online visit. One way is to use cookies (own and third parties) to save information about your visit to our website, on your computer. This information is required for the website to function properly.
What are cookies?
Um cookie is a file that is downloaded by your computer, mobile phone or other equipment (hereinafter referred to as equipment) when you access our website or use our application. The cookie allows us to store and retrieve information about your browsing habits or your device where you access it, generally anonymously and depending on the information it contains, if it is previously registered, to identify you as a customer or user.
The information obtained is related to the number of pages you visit, the language, the place you access, the number of new users, the frequency and number of visits, the time duration of the visit, the browser or equipment with which you visit the site or our application.
What kind of cookies are used on our website?
Own Cookies
They are those that are sent to the computer from a domain or computer operated by us.
Third-party cookies
They are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not operated by us, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies.
Session Cookies
They are a type of cookie that expires with the closing of the session on our website.
Persistent Cookies
They are a type of cookie that are stored on the computer for a period of time that can range from a few minutes to several years.
Analysis Cookies
They are those that are treated by us or by third parties and that allow us to quantify the number of visits and the use that users make on our website for the purpose of measuring and statistical analysis of their use and to solve the identified gaps and to facilitate the use of our website.
Advertising Cookies
When you visit the pages of our website, e-mails or run an application where we publish advertisements of our products or services, to control and monitor the effectiveness of advertising are installed in your browser or computer cookies that are used to measure, for example , the number of times you saw the ads and where they appear, the time they are viewed, where or if you have not seen it before.
Behavioral Advertising Cookies
They are a type of cookies that are used to store and retrieve information about the behavior of the users obtained by observing their browsing habits, which allow the development of a specific profile to show the user advertising according to it.
Renewing and deleting cookies
Most browsers allow you to control most cookies through your settings.
If you want, you can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer or from the computer’s privacy settings.
For example, you can find information on how to do this in case you use it as a browser:
- Firefox from enabling and disabling cookies that sites use to track your preferences | Help Firefox
- Chrome from how to manage cookies and websites
- Explorer from Cookies Administration in Internet Explorer
- Safari from Safari 8 (Yosemite): Manage cookies and site data
- Opera in Cookies Administrator
More details about cookies
General information on blocking and removing cookies: http://www.aboutcookies.org/
You can refuse to use cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser, however, please note that by not accepting cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of their websites.
Category 1: cookies strictly necessary
These cookies are essential to navigate the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the services requested, such as shopping carts or electronic invoices, can not be provided.
Category 2: cookies of performance
These cookies collect information about how visitors use a website, for example, which pages are accessed most frequently by visitors, and if webpage error messages are received. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor. All information collected by these cookies are stored collectively and, therefore, are anonymous. These are only used to improve the functioning of a website.
Category 3: cookies functionality
These cookies allow the website to remember the choices you’ve made (such as your username, language, or region) that offer enhanced and more personal features. For example, a website may be able to provide you with local weather forecasts or traffic information by storing in a cookie the information of the region you are currently in. These cookies can also be used to remember the changes you made to the size of text, fonts, and other parts of Web pages that can be customized. They can also be used to deliver services you’ve requested, such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information collected by these cookies can be processed anonymously and you are not allowed to view your browsing activity on other websites.
Category 4: cookies targeting or advertising cookies
These cookies are used to present advertising that is more relevant to you and tailored to your interests. These are also used to limit the number of times you see an ad and to help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Usually, these are placed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. These record that they visited a particular website and this information is shared with other organizations, such as advertisers. Targeting or advertising cookies will often be linked to the site functionality provided by the other organization. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor.
Third-party cookies
They are similar to “direct” cookies, however, they come from a different domain (unrelated to Eng&Steel) than you are visiting. These entities (not related to Eng&Steel) may also place cookies on your device when you visit the Eng&Steel website.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and analyze information regarding the use of the sites visited by the user. To learn more about Google Analytics cookies and their use by Google Inc., you can review information about Google’s use of cookies available at:
https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=pt e https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
For Addthis cookies, you can opt-out using the following link:
http://www.addthis.com/privacy/opt-out .
Most browser programs (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) may show you how to prevent new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how you can disable and / or delete existing cookies.
However, please note that by not accepting cookies you may not be able to take full advantage of all the features of this website.
Links to Third Party Sites
Eng&Steel has links to other sites which, in our view, may contain useful information / tools for our visitors. Our privacy policy is not applied to third party websites, so if you visit another site from our website you should read the privacy policy of the same.
We are not responsible for the privacy policy or content present on those same sites.